All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ice-Cream outside the parliament

Well, I didn't quite get my lie in this morning. Yes hubbie got up with Ethan, when Ethan woke at 6.20am. But Ethan decided he'd rather bound around on the bed with mummy. Each time I persuaded him to go back downstairs to play with Daddy, within 10 minutes I'd hear Ethan shouting "m-u-m-m-y" and he'd come bounding back up the stairs into our bedroom again. Ho hum!

We had planned to go into Edinburgh to catch the half marathon as one of hubbies friends (Scott, who had stayed over with us on Thursday and Friday nights) was running in it. However, by the time I was made aware this was the plan and by the time we were all ready and got into town, Scott and co had already finished. Still, we had a quick wander round the bottom of Holyrood Park and Ethan enjoyed tucking into an ice-cream outside the Scottish Parliament.

We then met up with some other friends and their 3 boys and eventually caught up with Scott and his pals briefly. Had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe but Ethan had clearly had enough by this point and ranged from being pretty well behaved to being a bit of a wild child. So, it was a one course only meal!

He had only had a 25 minute nap in the car on the way in to Edinburgh and was so shattered, he fell asleep in the car on the way home. Quick shower, milk and off to bed without a fuss. Don't think I'll be too far behind him tonight!

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