New Cestrian

By BHPPhoto

Objects In The Mirror....

...Are Closer Than They Appear

Driven home once again after watching my football team, via the wonders of modern satellite TV, being robbed of a place in the Scottish Cup Final due to a bungling cretin of a referee. Ironically I recently spent an afternoon photographing the Scottish referees for a newspaper feature whilst they were out here in Spain on a refresher course. I'm now left wondering what they actually learned during their sojourn in the sun. Obviously the deliberate handball rule was not on their list of things to refresh.

I watched the game in an Irish bar (where else) and was joined by a pleasant couple from Wales, Cyril & Diane who were out on holiday celebrating Cyril's 60th birthday. Cyril was wearing a Celtic shirt from the 2002 Scottish Cup Final, a match which I covered on assignment for the newspapers. It turns out the shirt belongs to his son and Celtic 's legendary striker John Hartson who scored in that match against our rivals Glasgow Rangers. I told them I have pictures of John playing in that game and wearing that shirt and promised to e-mail him a couple of the images. It's a small world indeed.

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