My changing life

By Shelley2011

Jaspers bday

Today we went to rhymetime - and then to kickis multilingual family fundraiser - which was quiet but I won 2 raffle prizes! Unfortunately one was £5 off gym class :(
Then we went into town to puck up photos for melodys Xmas album and her height chart - lunch in the sun feeding the birds - melody fascinated :)
Then to jaspers party where we met Jess and jack and had some grub - couple of firsts today.. First thunder storm - Melody didn't flinch a bit! First train ride - gus hunnybun children's ride - melody loved it! And first tentative crawling steps! We moved toys and bits from front room and laid down a duvet and gave her room to move about - she can also sit up on her own from lying down position - which she is VERY is happy about.. She will probably forget she can do it tho as this is often the case when she learns new things!

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