Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

K is for....

K is for Kicker!

Kick a penalty, conversion or a drop goal and you're a hero, miss and you can be the loneliest man on the pitch! Imagine it, all the eyes of the crowd and players on you, complete silence in the ground; you can hear a pin drop, except what's that? Boom, boom, boom, yes it's your heartbeat which sounds like its going to explode from inside of you. You step back, start your run up and take the kick; as soon as you hit it you know whether it's going to be good or bad. Who'd be a kicker hey?

Now excuse me while I have a rant! The young man in this shot is Dai Flanagan, currently outside half for Bridgend R.F.C., a promising outside half that originally made his name playing for Pontypridd R.F.C. For Ponty he was a match winner, someone who controlled the game and was part of Ponty's success in the Cup and League. Now in Wales club sides like Ponty are associated with the professional regions, Ponty are associated with Cardiff Blues, so Dai's natural progression was to the Cardiff Blues side. And he made quite a few appearances for them and acquitted himself well, but for some reason or other the coaching staff at the Blues always preferred the big money signing to home grown talent. So spend a fortune on Dan Parks and let someone like Dai go back to the semi professional leagues. Congratulations Cardiff Blues, no wonder you're in a mess!


A very disappointing performance today as Neath lost to Bridgend, our last home match of the season. We were 34 nil down at half time to them, but showed up in the second half and give it a go, finally losing 39-26. A disappointing end to the season!

P.S. Can anyone spot the ball?

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