just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms

Haematopus ostralegus

I does sound like a nasty medical condition, doesn't it?

I hadn't realised there were so many different types of oystercatchers. The Canadian one is now extinct, three others are in danger of extinction. Ours, the Eurasian oystercatcher is a little bit common.

I also didn't realise that they can be like cuckoos. They sometimes engage in "egg-dumping"! Aren't ornithologists fun.

I had been trying to do forward planning, in fact any sort of planning would have been good. However it felt like I was trying to untangle my mothers knitting wool after the cat got to it. In the end I escaped for a blip. I met a nice wall, a very nice cow, and an extremely curvaceous set of steps, but this pair won my heart. They were having a rest at the end of the day, no doubt digesting the seafood platter.

I will have to do some planning. Even if it's the bit I hate. Or, I could bake some bread. Now, do we have yeast?

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