Trying to find my memory

By Rachforrest

The right wall

Oooops, wee man has been known for wall graffiti in many the wrong place, but today, he found somewhere that will accept him and all is need to scribble. Allan Bank in Grasmere is a recently burnt down property with none of the usual National Trust signs saying 'DON'T TOUCH'. Brilliant for the wild and imaginative child/adult. My 2 were at home, though I somehow managed to encourage Little A and her best friend to draw on the WRONG wall- oops! They were very understanding about it!
Lovely, though slightly trecherous walk around the grounds- turns out NT label their walks from green and blue to RED. Mmmm, didn't realise this with children from 1-4, oops again!
Em and her family popped over for lunch then we headed to Allan Bank (parking in wrong place, only realising after).
Wilf's for cheeky hot chocs, and Staveley park with my 2. Lovely day apart from Little A getting NO stickers due to rudeness- I am sure it is a phase...

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