Blips by g

By BlipsByG

Party time...

So, the present opening was over, the bike's been test-driven successfully (a couple of times) but the excitement was still building... to the party.

A hand-picked selection of his 10 best friends, crammed into the house, to play musical bumps, pass-the-parcel and compete in an easter egg hunt. All the while eating pizzas, sausages, marshmallow crispies, homemade biscuits, pineapple (no sticks) and other goodies. Oh, and a fire-engine birthday cake...

A whirlwind of an afternoon.

Now, a large bottle of beer followed by some very tasty Rioja. For me n the boss... Not for the kids, mind. The CEO is tucked up. I hope the others are too...

Cheers. Here's to you big guy. I hope you enjoy being 3.

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