Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Fairy Princess

Today we went to Gran & Papa's house for lunch. I left them in charge of a sleeping O and a lively H whilst I nipped to Sainsburys with a couple of returns and to buy things for dinner tonight. Hubby's friend was visiting for dinner (Uncle M), and came laden with gifts for the children. H loved her fairy wings, skirt and magic wand. She was a bit subdued whilst he was here having woken up from a nap, but played happily with them after he left!

O was quite sick after his night-time bottle. He threw up all over hubby. I think it's just down to his congestion from the cold as he is still coughing. Hope it doesn't get worse.
Also not sure if H is developing an allergy to melon. It's the second time I have found her scratching the back of her hand red raw whilst eating it. She has it all the time though and loves it, so strange that it's only happened twice...

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