a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Death of a petrol bowser

I don't know why this bowser took my fancy.**

But I do know the patrons in the cafe next door sipping their decafsoymoccalattewhatevers, thought I was nuts to be circling the bowser and then stopping to take a photo or three.


** YackamundaMel will probably say that it's because its broken face reminds me of an auton++ from Dr Who. I'm quite cheerfully a nerd; I'm not sure if I'm so much of a nerd that I would immediately come to this conclusion. I just thought the fallen bowser looked sad and lonely.

++At least I think it's an auton. I'm thinking of the robots in the 1970s shows (hooray for Tom Baker!!#) who, when defeated, had clockwork machinery behind their faces.

#And now I really do sound like a nerd.

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