With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

A thousand blossoms

As I emerged from the shower, still covered in vanilla gel and soap in my eyes, I thought that the water company could have been a little more considerate and warned me that they were cutting the supply off for a few hours. Ah! Friday the 13th! Let's hope that's the end of that nonsense then.

1,000 consecutive days of blipping and I am as addicted as ever. I hope I have learned a little. I have certainly made a lot of friends, built up a wonderful store of memories and found another way of looking at the world, always in a very positive way. This has been a huge comfort to me over the last three years. I have gone through quite a lot lately, but I'm pleased to say that we three ( Agu, Ben and myself are still smiling and feel so priviliged to live in this beautiful valley.

Thanks so much to all of you at Blip Central and those of you who call on my journal and even take the time to comment. And of course mv for introducing me to Blip and always being ready to give me guidance. You have all made this such a fabulous journey so far.

Onwards and upwards, albeit smelling slightly of vanilla. I must buy some orange blossom scented gel instead, it's heavenly!

My favourite Manolo Garcia song

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