KFC Booster Shot
Malingered all day in bed with my cold, apart from attending brief presentation by Im's dance class - so finally got to see what goes on behind closed doors.
I did take some half decent shots but I'll leave that door closed for blip (for now), as it was followed by an even rarer event - we celebrated the end of term with a trip to restaurant nominated by said dancing queen.
This photo reveals that even at six, she realises that this is not the sort of publicity a future popstar should be courting.
And in fact she had only the tiniest of nibbles, and L not much more.
Leaving Mike and I feeling in need of a good oil change. And in no danger of visiting (or acceding to) KFC requests for at least another year!
However, does bring back fond memories of Brent Parlane in the Doghouse some decades back, particularly The Man Who Sold His Face.
Not one of my favourites, but I can never contemplate KFC without thinking of Brent, or (completely unrelated) the Hobart Chess Club Alumni.
PS This one's dedicated to you, Tony.
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