Blossom-lined path
After a frosty start to the day, the day warmed up nicely under blue skies and sunshine, so this afternoon I got out to Winton Woods for a long walk in the sun. This path leads from the pavilion to the lake edge, and I thought it looked such a picture with the beautiful blossom, the fresh green leaves of Spring and the shadow-dappled path. This evening was bell-practice and we were practicing pieces for Bell Sunday on the 29th, including a new one for Chancel Bells. She had played a recording of it last week and it sounded so difficult, but we rehearsed it slowly and it was beginning to come together by the end of practice - it will be really neat if we do a good job of it! The other piece Chancel Bells is doing is also great - an arrangement of You raise me up for handbells and cello. We had the cellist practice with us this evening for the first time, and it was just gorgeous.
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