All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The daily chores

One of hubbies pals flew in from Denmark today and is staying with us for a few nights. As he's allergic to cats, I did lots of hoovering today to try to get rid of as many cat hairs as I could. After I took all the cushions off the sofa so I could hoover that too, Ethan decided to help by "washing" the sofa with a baby wipe!

It was a different swimming instructor today. Not one we've met before. She did things very differently and was much stricter than our usual one. She told Ethan off for trying to climb out the pool when he wasn't supposed to and wouldn't let me put a floatation jacket on him rather than use a noodle (which he hates)!

After the class, Ethan & I drove out to the airport to pick up hubbies pal. Ethan didn't fall asleep till the return journey, which surprised me, but he then had a decent sleep in the car.

We then went over to the Foreveryoung household for playtime and dinner. Ethan was most excited when Granny & Grandpa arrived too! Ethan is having a sleepover there tonight and went off to bed without a fuss. Hope he sleeps well for them tonight!

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