Another of those silly moments that make you smile...
Saw this phone case in Tesco (other supermarkets are available, etc...) and it made me chuckle. Not that I've actually got a Blackberry, you understand, but if I DID have one I'm sure I'd have to get one of these cases!
Drove down to see my Mum today, and only popped into the supermarket for a few bits after lunch. We had lunch at Mum's new favourite place - Tessa's. I reckon I was the youngest person in the restaurant by about 30 years and everyone seemed to know just about everyone else, so I ended up being introduced to lots of different people, "This is my girl, who's come down to stay with me for the weekend..." (you get the idea).
In the afternoon, Mum took the plunge and booked herself onto a cruise! And even better is that she will be able to join her friends who are sailing on the same ship. In the past, she and my Dad took many cruises together and last year I went with her (my first ever cruise) for just a short one to Norway, in lieu of my Dad who passed away on Christmas Eve 2010. Of course, it could never be the same for my Mum without my Dad being there and we both shed quite a few tears during the holiday, but I was glad to go along to help Mum, although I was sad that Mr A and The Boy could not join us too. You see, it was the same week as the A-level results/UCAS placings were being decided, so he had to stay in the UK to find out if he'd got his chosen university. And he did! So there was a long distance congratulatory phone call from Norway when I found out.
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