Godolphin House

What a shame!!
A couple of years ago the National Trust bought Godolphin House, it's one of my favourite houses and so I thought this would be a great thing for the house as it was in a really bad state of repair and needed major work done. Today we had a bit of a shock. Although it's still open to the public on certain days, the whole house is now let out as a holiday 'apartment' (for the bargain price of around £3000 for a weekend!). The inside of the house has been modernised, there are modern bathrooms, a modern kitchen complete with microwave and in each of the bedrooms alongside the four poster beds are Argos digital alarm clocks. The house has completely lost it's soul and it made me very sad :( I had a bit of a barney with an over zealous and very rude NT guide who was very indignant over the fact that I felt it was a shame that the house has been modernised, telling me it wasn't a shame and demanding to know my reasons for having that opinion. It is a shame because a house that used to have so much atmosphere it literally gave me goosebumps now leaves me cold, the lovely old creaky floorboards have been replaced by plush carpet and instead of being able to imagine Elizabethan ladies wafting down the corridors I can now only imagine 'yah' types lounging around drinking champagne on the brand new furniture. It is a bloody shame!!!
Still, the gardens are looking pretty.

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