Gone Fishing

His Lordship fortified by his solitary day on the hills yesterday, was happy to accompany me to the hinterland of Stirling to meet my bridesmaid from the first time around the block, so to speak.

I have known her for nigh on 50+ years since we were in the same class at University. She went on to the higher echelons of academia bringing up two children into the bargain, while I opted for the less fraught life of being a slummy mummy and a bird brain.

It was a beautiful day, very warm in the sun, and over lunch and a glass or two of wine while looking out over her expanse of garden,we reminisced about old friends and youthful memories before discussing, as you do, where we would like to end up, as in the dust to dust scenario.
She is earmarked for the Knab in Lerwick , a promontory over looking the sea while his Lordship has a plot waiting for him in a tiny graveyard near Kinross with a handy telephone box outside the gate- (don't you agree that that's a bit scary?)
As for me, it's probably the roses at Mortonhall.

Thus cheered by the turn in conversation, we adjourned for a short stroll up the lane to a fish farm to watch men fishing- no women; they presumably would be tied to their desks working, or at home looking after children on holiday from school
There is no rant forthcoming, these are the realities of life unfortunately.

It was another perfect day and so a big thank you to I. for the lift, the lunch and the weather.

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