My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

Sweet Kisses

Some folks rave about Hershey's chocolate, I'm not one of them!

I find it has a sickly taste, not sweet sickly, vomit sickly but then perhaps that was just the variety that I tried.

I haven't eaten any of these, because they're not mines, they're My Girls and they were a present from one of her friends and it's not polite to take without asking first and it's only a little bag and I'm not greedy.

Well, unless I'm home alone and there's a lonely box or bag of chocolates (I'm not fussy) that looks like it needs, ahem.... taken care of

But I'm more than happy to share, if there's company :)

I was going to title this:

'Save All Your Kisses For Me'

However that sounded a little greedy.

Unless of course, they're real ones!

Well in that case, save away! x

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