
As in 'Se Vende' - For Sale. I had to go for a walk to check a road sign I'd seen the previous day. When I say I 'had to' it was a nice excuse for a little trip out to take photos of these buildings going up with Montana Roja in the background.

Walking, shopping, swimming, the usual kind of holiday stuff. With a trip out in the evening whilst the inlaws did the babysitting. Strolled down to the busier part of town for paella and beer before being followed all the way home by a blacker-than-black apocalyptic sky, that resulted in the most pathetic little two minute shower. A shower that nearly stopped the floodlight night swim in the pool. Almost. It's become a habit to have a swim before breakfast as well as one at night, that's in addition to all the little dips in and out throughout the day. Love it.

Been working my way backwards through some monthly playlists on the ipod. Here's one that came up earlier.

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