With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

When I grow up I want to be a

The lack of application of health and safety regulations meant we had a good close look at the pouring of the concrete for some steps at the new beach. The sand has a different quality to the rest of the beaches, which will require some new skills and techniques. I'm not sure if A is aspiring to life working with the grey stuff like his abuelo.

Little A and I did the usual square thing and then made a little picnic after some work to explore the grains of loveliness. We even had a brief swim (it was bracing!) before going to the airport for the return of Ben. He had tales of his sweet, new sisters and can tell them apart no problem.

It's late, and the boys are in my bed. I will be confined to the sofa until we get their rooms finished, although they were desperate for me to snuggle in with them. Tempting as it may seem, I knew sleep would be limited and I need all the energy I can muster.

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