
By Tinks

You don't get diamonds the size of housebricks!!

Jade was referred to the Paediatrician, via the doctor, via the school health visitor because in the words of the health visitor 'she's too small!!'

The doctor understood our 'Why? there's nothing wrong with her' attitude; but non the less wanted to check her for growth hormone deficiency! Now I could understand the referal if she didn't grow at all but she's got the 'petite' gene, which features prominently in our family and she follows the line she was born on! OK ... it's between the bottom and the next centile up but she still follows it! My arguments with the health visitor went something along the lines of 'You know that middle centile where your 'perfect' child sits? Well you need a kid like my Jade to sit on that bottom line, to achieve that adverage in the first place!!'

Anyway, the Paediatrician, who was a very nice guy, after a full examination.... weight, height, tummy, heart etc etc... has signed her off as 'officially normal!'

It was a really interesting chat actually, after much plotting and looking at charts and 'just give me a minute!' he's told us that fully grown Jade's going to be between 148 and 152 cm ... a couple of cms shorter than me!

He also said that some doctors did actually agree with growth hormone treatment in little people but he thought it was intervening with nature and there was absolutely nothing wrong and absolutey everything right with our daughter!! Of course we agreed and walked away very happy!!

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