Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Feeling better

I'm feeling a bit better today but now Neil has the lurgy - oh no! I was dispatched to asda first thing to stock up on lucozade, dioralyte and some anti-emetics and he's spent the majority of the day in bed looking alternately grey and green!

I think Henry is bored of the lack of playing and constant cbeebies so he'll probably love being back in nursery tomorrow. I took him out for a quick walk in the sling which he enjoyed but I was exhausted when we got in.

I have to go back to work tomorrow so I hope the worst of this bug has passed - all I've eaten since Monday lunchtime is 2 digestive biscuits and a couple of Henry's apple flavoured rice cakes.

Today's blip is Henry standing up (all he wants to do at the moment) and giving me a cuddle - much needed!

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