Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

That's Not Pink

Am on call today for taxi duties so have had to stay close to home. Pottered about a bit and then decided to do a bit of mixing in my new mixer to keep myself busy.

I have learned 2 things today:

1. Dr.Oetker Natural Red Colour will turn your frosting orange, not pink, and totally piss you off if you have used red gingham cupcases.
2. Jeannette Orrey's Banana Loaf recipe DOES NOT fit in a 1 lb loaf tin and DOES NOT bake in 40 minutes.

Luckily, I realised that a 3 egg, 8oz flour mix wouldn't fit in a small loaf tin, before I started. And it took 1hr 10mins to cook.

I am more annoyed by the orange frosting.

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