Sepia memories

Thanks for all the comments, hearts and stars on yesterdays red, red rose. Much appreciated!

Today: my maternal grandparents Evelyn Mary Walter married Albert Fryer on 03/04/1926 Kent, UK.

Albert's father was killed in road accident in London in 1908 (driving a hansom cab). Albert and his younger brother Robert* were sent to Kingham Hill Boys home for "deprived boys". When they were older, the boys were sent to work in a piano factory (approx 1915) for a Mr Young. I see Kingham is now a flash boarding school.

My grandfather died when my mum was about 13. Nana eventually remarried but when her second husband died, she came to live with us. I was very young then and she stayed with us till she died when I was 18.

Some things I remember about Nana were her love of Coronation Street, knitting, crochet, her lovely legs, porridge in the mornings, lumps in the gravy and Golden Kiwi tickets. She berated my cousin Carol for getting married in a mop cap (it was in the 1970s!) but Nana, that's what you wore!

* Trowell St Helen 29 Nov 1963 Robert Daniel Fryer: Oak Hill Theological College, Licentiate in Theology at Durham University. Curate at St Ann's Nottingham, 1935-38. Curate at Holy Trinity, Norwich 1938-42. Vicar of St Paul's, Stratford, London 1942-50. Vicar at St Helen's, Ipswich, 1950-63. Retired from St Helen's Trowell in Nov 1971. Died 11 Nov 1980, aged 77, his ashes interred in the Garden of Remembrance, Trowell.

(Location: I have picked a random spot in Kent as the location which isn't strictly true but that's where the original was taken!)

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