Optic Nerve

By BillFroog

Introduction to Operant Conditioning

... with a side order of variable reinforcement schedule.

Apparently (I'm speaking from a position of complete ignorance, other than exhibiting the signs & chatting with a mate who knows such things) being in love is often typified by the titular, topsy turvy mode of behaviour. The occasional rewards keep you keen - but such rewards are not consistent - which creates a stronger pull to maintaining the (dys)functional situation. Pavlovian is simpler - and well known - but Operant Conditioning is said to be much more effective - and is a better model for those pesky real-life situations that one encounters - in pesky real life.
All this to say that - rather than focussing on going away at the end of the month, I'm still staring at my own navel and feeling morose. Years ago I should have got over this one - and yet here I go again - vanishing into my own umbilical knot-hole.
Sad, forgotten roses; a vain attempt at gaining attention; a quiet withdrawal to the remnants of the xmas sloe gin.
No news is good news? I beg to differ.

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