Webb London Marathon

By Astonwebbo

Safe house!

Well I must admit in my times in rented accommodation I have had a few pickles!

In Sheffield the bathroom roof fell in, which may actually happen again now in all fairness,

I have had many a flood and now after I left my house for 24 hour the bathroom door has come off it's hinges!

Apparently rich decided to bring back half a bar to out house for an after party! This resulted in a broken door and I swear someone stole my jar of Dolmio lasagne sauce, the bastards!!

It has resulted in us sending a big list of faults with our house to our landlord! There are 10 major faults with my house! Two in my room, the bed is still broke and I still don't have a light! Only 8 months in no rush!!

An update on the house will be forthcoming, bet you can't wait!

Av fun xx

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