When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

"I wear a Fez now, Fezzes are cool"

...As it happens, I'd been wearing one since long before the current incarntion of doctor who uttered the line that gives this blip is title. In fact, I think Fezzes are so cool, that I joined the OOTF (Order of the Fez). I have my OOTF number (34) tattooed onto my forearm teamed with a Fez sporting Skull.

The creature on my Fez in this instance, is a Mandrill. It is important not to call it a Baboon. That's would be like calling a Canadian an American, or a Kiwi an Aussie. Bad form etc. They're actually closer to the Drill than the Baboon, but most people haven't heard of a drill. Because basically a Drill is like a monochrome nano version of a Mandrill, which is not very exciting. I have a Mandrill tattoo next to the Fez one. Why? Why the hell not. Mandrills could eat your face off.

The Eagle eye Cherry amongst you might notice the Atomic Energy logo on the Mandrill's Fez. Yes. That's right folks. It's and Atomic Mandrill.

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