wooly wonders

By biblios

Things that grow in Apple Trees

I was out taking shots of the budding leaves in my garden, I have a cherry tree and two apples (so far I do plan a crab apple when I can find one I like) as well as the silver birch, laylandii and a fence of honeysuckle. I had a nice twig of opening buds chosen and lined up when they started to shake? I changed stance to stop any breeze and tried to get a clean shot, instead I got scratched with claws. Apparently the garden is theirs not mine and I can't stand too close to the trees!
Look what I found in my Apple tree!
Smokey is a bit if a handful, she scratched me, bit that branch off and then fell out of the tree! Wish I could catch it on film sometimes to share the daftness that is kitten growing up!

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