Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Luckiest pooch on the planet...

I know so many people who think it is acceptable to own a dog and bizarrely not actually walk them anywhere.. this is something cast iron guaranteed to set me off on an epic rant,how the fuck would those people who own the dog like to be kept in a prison ?? tell me that !!!!! why the HELL would anyone get a dog and never fucking walk it any where ??? WHY ??? WHY ???? WHY ?? I am getting more and more high pitched.AND WHY do people think (stupid old bitch up the hills) think that Buffy being small only needs 10 minutes.. YOU STUPID OLD TURNIP HEAD......
anyway and calm.... calm... I am calm now .........

My daughters have fleeced Mr W out of money today,Lucy gave her dad the 'doe' eyes and now she has a new bike coming,we collect it on Thursday,and then she told Eve who had been on a sleep over then to bowling with her friends for Lydia's birthday and she had the 'doe' eyes and now we collect a bike for her on Thursday too.... see Mr W says he cannot be doing with children who do no exercise and since they have packed in climbing club he is delighted they have taken to cycling,so he says it is money well spent not to have over weight lazy kids.... he gave me quite a stare as I crammed some Easter egg in my chops ..................

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