Lilly Lark's Gallery

By TerryFisherMs

The Swing

In the spaces between the April Showers I went to a place I know well, where there is peace inside the birdsong and the promise of a million bluebells. Where the wild things are!
And when I caught sight of The Swing I flew back in time. To a time of innocence and wonder, play & fearlessness, dare devilry and fun! Of scraped knees and muddy faces, wet socks and laughter, running in the rain and flopping down in the sun....and playing on a swing by a river.
Swinging out to the middle and ....just letting go and splashing down in the waist deep water and wading back up the bank with the soft mud of the river bed squelching up between my toes!
Then home for tea and probably a telling off for being late.

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