An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Changing landscape of Dallas

Started back to work after a nice four day weekend. Getting ready for a big push of data from the government. I will be busy processing and correcting and making up a bunch of numbers. Will probably be working airline statistics for a couple weeks.

Our building in Dallas routinely changes the landscape plants in the front. Usually, they plant a bunch of colorful flowers that need to be watered often and replaced frequently. It appears that the building management has decided to replace the plants with something more Southwest. Rocks that shouldn't require much water and plants that are more hardy in the arid, hot summers. On my way out this afternoon, I noticed a bright red stalk on one of the plants. The sun was just coming out after a nearly all day fog. The red stalk jumped out and yelled. "BLIP ME!!!"

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