The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Glencoe night

Our second night was spent parked in the most iconic glen in Scotland.
Glencoe in the evening.

We had a full day of cycling, sightseeing and driving.
We started off cycling up Glenlochay and managed to
A dinner of prawn and hot smoked salmon sandwiches with a glass of red.
The green shack in Oban supplied the usual fantastic fare.

Claudette supplied a bit of stress as she flashed her engine management light at us, but we limped on into the night. A bit anxious, we managed to get a pitch and settled to watch a film to take our mind off the engine.
The weather broke and we listened to the rain pattering and drumming on the roof. We were cosey and safe inside our Claudette.

It was ace Ally, just ace.

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