Red Flash

By RedFlash


....go to IKEA on a Bank Holiday.

We wanted some new picture frames, so that I could hang a collection of photos of our pussy cats through the years.

Of course when it is raining and a Bank Holiday, where do you go with your family? IKEA of course.

It was mobbed. There were lots of children doing testing for IKEA ie opening and closing doors.

There were families with a buggy and a trolley and of course they had to walk together through the aisles.

I needed a new pillow so we stopped and looked.

In IKEA each pillow comes in three types:

1. for those of sleep on their stomach
2. for those who sleep on their back
3. for those who sleep on their side

I've never had to choose a pillow this way before. If you sleep in all three positions which one do you choose?

It reminded me of the Rob Gilbert, a Welsh comedian's Tog Rating sketch

The picture is a lovely vase that a good friend gave me for my birthday. It has a teeny weeny hole and she gave it to me with some snow drops in it. Before then I hadn't known that snow drops had green bits on them.

This time it as some violas and a chionodoxa

Work tomorrow. A four day weekend is just right to rest and to do some things

PS as I start sleeping on my back but then sleep on my side, I bought option number 2.

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