Kaytee ^_^

By kaytee

Party at the Corn Exchange

First payed job - ever.

The hairdresser which i have attended all my life asked me to photograph their very important 20th Birthday Party celebration.
My heart sank a little when a week before the event my lens broke for my camera. I was bought another (expensive) lens in which i guarded with my life.

The event was quite fun and certainly interesting. Met lots of important hairdressing people - y'know the people who make hairdryers and all that...

Have to admit however, it was quite challenging. People appear to be very resistant to a 17 year old shoving a camera in their face and getting their drunken faces captured forever - unknowing of where this image will end up. At the beginning all the guests quite obviously turned their heads away from the camera. Nevertheless, people's enthusiasm for picture taking increased.

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