Life is like a river

By Gunnlaug


"A traditional aim of geographical research is to describe the spatial pattern of objects or events, and to explain that pattern by way of causal mechanisms which have generated it."
~ David W. Harvey, M.A.

Patterns are everywhere we look, or so it seems after I've been concentrating on this subject today.
Patterned daily objects and things to wear/use/admire, natural patterns, man-made patterns - millions to choose from!

The different patterns of various maps have always fascinated me, although I'm somewhat "geographically dyslexic" because I can rarely remember the correct localisation of many countries, cities and landmarks after I've been studying them. But that's OK, I'll always have google and my old book of maps ;o)
And maps also make excellent material for work of art.

This photo shows a part of the world I really want to travel and explore some day.

(Three more patterns in Blipfolio)

Our 30 day-challenge:
1. Reflection
2. Mail
3. In my neighbourhood
4. Movement
5. Tiny
6. Shadow
7. In my purse
8. Egg
9. Pattern
10. Dirty
11. Bizarre
12. Window
13. Written words
14. Relaxation
15. Transportation
16. Red
17. The last thing I bought
18. Hair
19. Summer is here!
20. Bottle
21. Before / After
22. Good times
23. Vegetables
24. I'm thankful for...
25. Breakfast
26. A sign
27. Somewhere I went today
28. At 13:00
29. Circle
30. Emotion

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