Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Scratch Posts

Backblipped on 9th April 2012

Not a very particular blip for my 800th, but then I didn't know it was my 800th when I took the picture - in the month I haven't managed to upload my blips I've simply tried to take a picture every day, not to know what day it actually was - in fact, for most of the month I haven't even known what day it was at all!

Anyway, I'm now reminded where I went on Wednesday - I took a trip into biggish town in order to get a whole load of stuff I needed and do some shopping. I'd been unable to do shopping as usual owing to the car being broken, and waiting in for washing machines, and tow trucks, and then going to collect rats, and going to vet appointments, and so on and so on and so on.

One of the things I bought on the shopping trip was a new scratch post. Whoever said that cats don't use scratch posts was wrong - Tiggy utterly adores hers, and you can see, from the old one, that she's all but destroyed it. She's delighted to have a new one!

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