
By Defining

red sundress

Number 7.

Bought aged 25 (me, not the dress ... I don't know what age it was but it was sold as new) with a voucher given to me as a leaving present from my second professional job. Which I left (because it was a fixed term and it ended) to go and study photography. Properly.

But it reminds me of the start of my pregnancy. I hadn't worn it much, and I worried I wouldn't get to. So I wore it quite a lot right after finding out. As it turned out I was very sick (vomiting everything including water, sometimes air) so I got thinner and was able to wear it for most of my pregnancy. Though I didn't really feel like wearing it. Wasn't great for retching or kneeling on toilet floors ... or indeed the street where much vomiting happened as I tried to get anywhere (slowly ... with many horrified/ disgusted/ disapproving looks)

(me at 4/5 weeks pregnant http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7138/6912432858_61da37a491_b.jpg)

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