good friday

8:30pm and capturing some still images for the ID resurrection project. These weren't in the original storyboard, but I'm trying something out to see if it works.

This one seems apt for today.

As a follower in the way of Jesus, I've found Easter to be of significance for more than just the avalanche of chocolate. But it's often harder to get into it as the date changes each year. Easter isn't quite as commercial as Christmas, but can feel lost in the midst of eggs and bunnies and all that kind of *stuff*.

But I do remember that this Jesus was crucified. Many people have been crucified by Romans (and others) throughout history, but none were the Christ. The giver of life, hope and peace. The one who gave Himself up that I could really live.

And to my shame, my living doesn't always square up with the truth that I believe. I don't live in the light of who He is. Of who He has made me.

But the wonder of the cross is that in a place of brokenness and loss, I am graced with mercy. With hope. With love.

And that's good.

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