Hopping around!

By Harebell

The Lunch Log

We have been to Weeting to have a look at the castle ruins. The church yard was also very pretty. We were going to do a seven and a half mile walk from there to 'Grimes Graves'. However, shortly after the stop at the lunch log, the smirny weather turned for the worse and we headed back to the car. We met these skittish piglets and laughed at their muddy little faces.

We took the car to 'Grimes Graves' which are prehistoric flint mines in the Norfolk Brecklands. We had a gander down the thirty foot mine shaft, this involved descending a steep ladder into the pit, we had to climb up again to get out.

Exciting or what?

We forgot the cake for the picnic so were very glad to get back. The chocolate bunnies have taken a battering. Yummy.

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