Life through the lens...

By ValC

Misty Tarn

When we set off from Malham Tarn it was misty, and we could see the low cloud on the hills in front.
The hillsides were full of sheep with their new born lambs.
Lambing has been good this year because of the mild weather in March, but up on the hills the bad snow last week has meant that quite a few have died because of the cold.

The weather today gradually got worse!
When we reached our highest point there was still quite a lot of snow, and as we were in low cloud it was mizzling.The wonderful view was down to a few yards!!
We did however see a skylark and heard the curlews, although couldn't see them.
By the time we got back to the car the wind was blowing the rain in our faces!
Inspite of this we did enjoy the walk! Always have a laugh with our friends.
I was surprised how busy the car park was when we returned, and back down in Malham there were crowds of people about.
We are a hardy lot here in Yorkshire!!

A nice bottle of red wine should warm me up, along with a large bowl of the leftover cassoulet.

Hope you are all having a happy Easter.

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