Travels Through A Lens

By SnapshotSam

Up on't Farm

I was 'up on't farm' today as we say in Yorkshire. A friend's farm where they are in the middle of lambing and this mother has triplets. For now she is managing to feed all three. Usually they will put one of the lambs onto another ewe with just one lamb. The breed is Swaledale, which is the logo for the Yorkshire Dales National Park, and which Skipton (my hometown) is the gateway to the Dales.

The farm itself has fantastic views and is close to Bolton Abbey, a popular tourist attraction for walking, but the sky was another grey one and I will return for better pictures of the scenery. My camera was also making the green a lurid green so I will need to check the settings.

There are 6 pairs of nesting Curlews around the farm and we saw a couple of them on the wing. We also saw a buzzard and a red kite. I wish I had a telephoto lens!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your comments, stars and hearts on my recent blips. I feel honoured :)

I also would like to thank Hollowspy for the information on HDR, which was really useful.
PaulFS for spurring me on to do some HDR and telling me about the free processing tools!! I was just using apps to do some HDR, but have been wanting to do a 'proper' HDR photo.
I need to 'play/experiment' a bit more before I will have anything worthy of blipping.

Anyway, I feel inspired to experiment a bit more and actually learn how to use my camera!!

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