Change of plans.

"Happy Easter" to everyone. Mine isn't as was originally planned. I was hoping to spend the day at my daughter's, cooking the dinner and enjoying seeing my new grandson again. But, it wasn't to be! First of all he had to go back into hospital yesterday because he wasn't feeding and had lost too much weight. He's back home now after spending the night in Hospital. He's jaundiced and that has made him a bit poorly. Then I developed an awful cold. I can't remember when I last had a cold. It must be years.
So, it wasn't fair to go and pass germs onto the family, I am cooking all the dinner here and my son-in-law will come later and pick it up.
Hopefully, I'll be able to taste it! We had already said ( jokingly) that we were going to cancel Easter this year, but I didn't really think that I would be on my own all day. Grrrrr!!

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