The odd curiosity shot

By Flipscokid

No small beer

Don't ask. This is without doubt the most creative weirdest idea I've had for a blip. And don't panic, I was given specific instructions by my step dad to watch for the signal and scarper if a train appeared on the chance of a Stand By Me moment here.

For those interested, I stole the 0-4-0T steam engine and accompanying Bass wagons from my step dad's model railway. The track is a part of the Settle to Carlisle (ish) line which runs through Hellifield in North Yorks. And another thing..Bass once had the longest private railway network in England, fascinating I know. *Slinks off wondering what step dad was ranting on about*

Anyway, it's Sunday already. About to make the 211 mile return journey to Gloucestershire, then off to North Wales for a few nights in the tent. Lovely weekend seeing family.

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