A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


A pair of chaffinches have chosen to build a nest in the bay tree immediately by our back door. They seem remarkably calm about our continual passing, and remarkably skilled in avoiding being blipped.


DIY'ish day today. Finished off the repairs to the greenhouse (considered blipping that but we're not talking 'pretty'), and remade the wall of the FWR warehouse. This entailed a dreary trawl across town to B&Q, a shop that manages to be full of everything except the size, type, material or colour of the thing you actually need.

Saw 'Pirates' tonight, the Aardman 3D film. Entertaining, especially the visual jokes tucked away in the background (the tagline on the crest of the Royal Society - "Playing God Since 1660", for example.), but whether it was really worth the Cineworld Experience for 40 quid, I'm not convinced.

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