12 is the magic number

12 years ago my wonderful child came into the world. It took him a while - 12 days overdue and 33+ hours of labour, but he was well worth the wait.

It's been a quiet day at home, just the three of us, which is the way we like things to be a lot of the time. When I say quiet, it has been a day of silliness and James has caused me to laugh so hard it hurts, throughout the day.

So, my little treasure, on your twelth birthday I would like to say:

There isn't a day goes by where I am not grateful to have you in my life.
You make me so proud I could burst sometimes.
I think you are funnier than anyone I have ever seen on TV (yes, even Greg Davies).
I love you to bits.
Please don't make me laugh anymore today.

And if you ask me if I want to hear something funny, you REALLY need to leave the room (preferably go OUTSIDE!)....


Some others from today are here

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