All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Sleepy Hat

What a bizarre nights sleep from Ethan & Eden. Out of the of them, Eden is usually the best sleeper. However for some reason this morning she decided to wake up just before 4am and that it was party time! Poor Foreveryoung tried hard to get her back to sleep but ended up getting up with her at about 5.30am. As for Ethan ..... he decided a lie in till 8.30am was in order! Can't remember the last time he slept that late. And as usual, it was on a working day for hubbie & I so we didn't get to benefit from it!

When we got home from work just after 4pm, we found Ethan asleep in Granny & Grandpa's car ... with Eden's purple hat firmly in place on his head!

Foreveryoung, Eden, Granny & Grandpa are all staying overnight with us again tonight. Ethan seems rather pleased about that!

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