Plugging Away

By plugg


...Someone... opened this thinking it was red. Turned out it was white. So it had to go in the fridge.
And then tonight, I thought I'd better have some. Couldn't waste it. Actually it wasn't at all bad with some chicken stir fry and noodles.

Today Guy and I got on with quite a bit of the pre-decorating, rubbed down all the gloss and filled in the cracks in the wall.

We also decided to strip the paint off the door instead of repaint it. Nick got some smelly chemical painty stuff which you paint on and leave to dry, then the next day you brush it off, apparently and all the paint comes off with it.

There was enough in the tin to cover 95% of the door, and stink out 100% of the house.

Please note, also, my lovely carafe from IKEA. Nice, isn't it?

(Map, map, map. does that count for one mention, or three?)

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