Warning! "Man cold"
I did not go to work today.
Which was nice.
Because I was mostly bed-ridden with the "Man cold".
Which was not nice.
A bad dose (there no such thing as a mild those).
For those of you who have lived away from Planet Internet for the rest of their lives and have just awoken to its wonders, the "Man cold" is brilliantly explained here.
So Mrs Raheny had three kids to look after today (some practice that was...)
One of them being particularly moany and unable to lift a little finger (the only difference from the rest of the time being the moany bit).
At first I thought it was a case of food poisoning. But it could not have been, not from the last slices of saucisson that I ingested just before going to bed, as you would, well as I would anyway (they repeated on me all night... not a nice feeling).
There is a French saying that goes:
"Quelques tranches de saucisson avant de plonger sous l?édredon
Et le docteur ne passera jamais le seuil de ta maison."
A few slices of saucisson before diving under the duvet
And the doctor will never visit your house
Actually, come to thing about it, there is no such thing as a proverb singing the praise of saucisson. It must be the fever.
I'll dive back under the duvet and call Mrs Raheny on her mobile dowstairs, asking her for another cup of tea.
I'll try to get her to do the commenting for me when she has washed the kids and put the dishes to bed but I cannot garantee anything. I'll be back soon!
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