Just the Withers......

By JaneW

The last thing I said to him was...

DO NOT GET DIRTY... and lo' look ... he is filthy.Honest to goodness he charged straight through that puddle.....
My husband the 10k wolf run obstacle course numpty runner...took him and Ben (my BIL) about an hour to complete,I think they are going to sign up for the September one now,I hope so,some of the photo's I have are fantastic,sadly they are not of Mr W who ran off and I could not catch him,selfish !!!! hahahahahahhahaha :D
You would not catch me doing this,no... I watched and ate a pancake.To me this is just odd,in fact it has knackered me out so much watching them and eating with the children I have had to come home and take to my bed.

Wolf run website,a website for idiots...

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