Dog Days and Life

By hellcats

Cone Head

Luckily this is the before picture. Spent the night sat up with little Cedar and his damaged claw, the bandage he had on had to come off about 4am and he was slightly calmer after that, but still unable the leave the foot alone...hence the cone.

A trip to the vets before lunch saw the removal of the dead quick with a fast arm action, a pair of forceps and the skillful action of the vet. He didn't even notice. The clipping of nail around and the antibiotics injection was very much noticed though. He's a big baby. He was cheered on his exit by a lovely St Bernard bitch who was with the workmen there. I felt very mean not being able to let him play much....he loves giant dogs.

He has painkillers and has to take it easy, avoiding hard ground, sand and mud etc. Garden rest it is then! I now have two damaged dogs who are supposed to be taking it easy....unfortunately they don't know this!!

Hopefully we've seen the last of the cone.

'I still need more healthy rest in order to work at my best. My health is the main capital I have and I want to administer it intelligently.'

Ernest Hemingway

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