In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


The sight of the wall that belonged to our garden, was all we needed to spur us on. That and the morning sun just appearing and clearing the clouds and with them, the night away.
Still though we were being followed.
Clearing, finally out of the buildings and into the well recognised fields we knew if we could just reach the aforementioned wall, and if we managed to get over it, we would be safe.
Looking back we saw, somewhat still in the distance, the huge ogre that was tailing us. Large he was and carrying chains and leather straps, to do goodness knows what to us. His voice, although faint, could also still terrified us.
" Keep going Petra." I urged, as my dear friend did well to keep pace with me.
"Almost there. One last acceleration and we will reach safety." I continued, not actually knowing that when we did reach the garden wall we would have enough strength to get over it.
Closer and closer it got, until finally, almost out of breath, we reached it and with one extra super effort we managed to bound over it and lay still on the dew soaked wet ground.
We lay silent, trying desperately to get our breath back, and also being perfectly still in case our pursuer would know where we were.
As we lay there, we heard the thump, thump of heavy footsteps, and the horrible sound of heavy breathing just beyond our hideaway. The clanking of chains did nothing to ease our minds.
" Ah there you are Toby. There you are Petra ," said the voice. "What a merry chase you two have led me on these past hours. Look at the pair of you, All wet and muddy and your hair all matted. That is the last time I let you pair off the leash when we are not in familiar circumstances. Just as well you found your way back home eh? Never mind, all's well that end well. Your mistress is just parking the car out front. I will get the hose out to give you guys a wash down, and then give you a nice big bowl of dog food. How does that sound?"
The End
n.b. no animals were harmed in the making of this narrative.
All characters are fictitious, and any resemblance to any living being is purely coincidental.

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